
The wayward youths, investigators believe, then spirit the bottles to their rooms for consumption, typically ignoring the brewers’ recommendations for proper serving temperature, glassware, and food pairings.
Also banned in Connecticut is Warm Welcome, a delicious brown ale with a label portraying the accused attempting to enter a private domicile by way of the chimney, only to be greeted by a blazing fire that warms his very cockles.
Shelton Brothers, importers of these delightful ales (craft-brewed in England by the Ridgeway Brewing Co.), vow to support Claus until he has his day in court. Brother Daniel Shelton (a somewhat out-of-practice attorney, but still rather a clever fellow) believes that the Connecticut law is flagrantly un-Constitutional — and the American Civil Liberties Union agrees. Brother Daniel suggested further that “the sight of Claus in cuffs” will prove far more damaging to the youth of Connecticut than any beer label could ever be.
While the Brothers Shelton are wholeheartedly in favor of consumer protection, and especially of preventing underage drinking, they argue that the offending labels are designed to appeal to adults, who, it seems, are as impressionable as their youthful counterparts: both Seriously Bad Elf and Warm Welcome are selling briskly in all other parts of the country.