Freigeist has returned…

Freigeist has returned…
And brought it’s twisted little brother The Monarchy.
Renegade German brewers Freigeist Bierkultur took the US by storm last year with their brilliant, bold, and best of all, balanced and drinkable reinterpretations of lost (or at least misplaced) top-fermented German beer styles. So rapid was their ascent that Shelton Brothers ran out of beer for a little while.
Scheisse happens.
Now we’re happy to report that all your new favorite German ales, Abraxxxas, Ottekolong, Hoppeditz, Pimock and Geisterzug, are back in stock, joined by not only new Freigeist gems like Salzspeicher, Hibiskuss, and Biëre de Vie but also brand-new stuff from an offshoot brewing company offering like-minded German oddities- The Monarchy.
Founded in 2012 by Freigeister Sebastian Sauer to expand his quest for reincarnating any lost Teutonic brew that ever left behind the slightest trace of a recipe, The Monarchy isn’t averse to adding some pretty nontraditional ingredients into the kettle too-but the results are uniformly complex, satisfying, and ungimmicky.
Here’s the current Freigeist/Monarchy list. We advise that you take some of each! And always check our website for new beers. They keep coming.
All are in 30L key keg; the first 5 are also in 500ml bottles.
- Ottekolong, 4.8% Unfiltered traditional Kölsch
- Geisterzug, 5.2% Traditional Gose brewed with spruce twigs
- Hoppeditz, 7.5% Lightly smoky & sour Doppelsticke Alt
- Pimock, 5.3% Hefeweizen brewed with Kölsch yeast
- Abraxxxas, 6% Lichtenhainer-style smoked sour Weisse
- Salzspeicher, 6%, Traditional sour, salted Porter
- Phoebe Caulfield, 8% Imperial Stout with rye
- Bière de Vie, 8,5% Dark, roasted and complex Sour Ale, brewed with salt
- Abraxxxas Peat, 6% Lichtenhainer-style peat-smoked sour Weisse
- Peated Porter, 6% Traditional salted and peat-smoked Porter
- Hibiskuss, 7.5% Sour ale brewed with Hibiscus flowers
- Grätzer, 3,3% Recreation of an extinct Polish golden ale; brewed with 100% oak-smoked wheat malt
- Grodziskie, 3,3% Polish Grätzer but brewed in a medieval style w/ with willow bark
- Münchhausen, 4,8% Münsterland-style sour fruity/yeasty Altbier, sour-session!
- Methusalem, 10% An “Adambier”- also known as Dortmunder Altbier; similar to a sourish Doppelsticke
- Preussen Weisse, 5,6% old-style north-German Weissbier, brewed with ginger and juniper
- Year of the Dragon, 8,6% strong malty ale brewed with rice, one batch per year
And a ton of new beers coming in September….