Haandbryggeriet Farewell Ale

Haandbryggeriet Norway

Farewell Ale is Haand’s interpretation of a traditional Norwegian custom. Beer has always been an important part of the Norwegian way of life, especially special occasions. Even funerals were accompanied by beer. It was customary on all farms to have some malt at hand in case of a sudden death. Nobody was buried before the beer was ready and they could be toasted off to a good afterlife. This beer was called Gravøl (funeral ale). This Farewell ale is a dark and flavourful beer,with a spicy kick, and that special Haand house tartness, but easy to drink.

Style: Traditional Ale

ABV: 7.5%

Packaging: 30L kegs

Brewer Website: http://www.haandbryggeriet.net/

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