Mahr’s der Weisse Bock
Mahr's Bräu • Germany
Unpasteurized and unfiltered, strong, dark, and very tasty, but so easy to drink.
Weisse Bock is an increasingly popular style that is strong and very tasty – with all of the fruity, spicy flavors one expects from a wheat beer, and more – but never too heavy on the palate. This rich, dark, and enthralling Bock is refreshing and drinks so easily that one would never suspect that it weighs in at 8.5% a.b.v. If you appreciate Aventinus, try Der Weisse Bock. We think that an unpasteurized, unfiltered beer is just better.
This Weisse Bock carries forward the splendid tradition of the first brewers of the town – the monks of the local abbey. The monks brewed their strong Bock especially for Lent, when an especially sustaining brew was needed to see them through the traditional fast. Mahr’s Der Weisse Bock is now available year ’round.