Struise Black Damnation
Struise • Belgium
From the brewer:
“To this day, we don’t know what we were thinking when we started doing this. But we know one thing for sure: we haven’t regretted it since. The Black Damnation series is a dark twist of Urbain’s mind, conceived as beers that neither Belgium or the world have ever seen before, nor are they likely to ever see them again. Originally intended as a range of twelve beers, it has since expanded.
The rules are simple: every Black Damnation beer has to contain at least 50% of our Black Albert or one of its barrel-aged variants. Other than that: anything goes. We’ve aged it on bourbon, whisky and rum. We’ve applied the Eisbock technique to bring it up to 39% alcohol. We’ve used the water run-off and dry-hopped it for a quaffable 2% entry. We added peaches, coffee beans and blackberries. In short: we’ve put it through its paces and we’ll continue to do so. That is: until we run out of ideas. Like that’ll ever happen.”
- Original Black Damnation – 13%, blend of Black Albert with Hel & Verdoemenis from Brouwerij De Molen.
- I – Black Berry Albert – 13%, Black Albert, with the addition of blackberries a year matured in port barrels .
- II – Mocha Bomb – 12%, 50% Black Albert matured in Colombian coffee + 25% Cuvee Delphine + 25% Hell & Damnation, aged in whiskey barrels of Jack Daniels .
- III – Black Knife – 13%, Black Albert, 3 months matured Caol Ila whiskey barrels. Made in honor of a British beer lover.
- IV – Coffee Club – 13%, Black Albert, 6 months old rumvaten matured.
- V – Double Black – 26%, Cuvee Delphine whose alcohol content is built using the Eisbock-freezing method. This beer is in the list of the 50 strongest beers in the world on RateBeer.
- VII – Single Black – 2%, Also ‘ BOB stout called. It is the remainder of the Eisbock method that is applied to Double Black.
- VIII – SHIT – 12%, Black mixed with Albert Elliot Brew, aged in bourbon barrels. This mixture of a Russian imperial stout and an IPA results in a so-called black & tan. The acronym stands for Supreme Hoppy Intensive Taste .
- XI – Special Kay – 22%, Kabert , aged in port barrels, whose alcohol content is built using the Eisbock-freezing method. This beer is in the list of the 50 strongest beers in the world on RateBeer .
- XII – Nuptiale A2 – 13%, Black Albert, aged in Anguila- rumvaten with the addition of peaches.
- 666 – 13%, Black Hell & Damnation Albert + 666 (a special edition of Hell & Damnation, matured in wood chips soaked in forty years old cognac).
The series is so popular that it even has its own Wikipedia page.
Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: various
Brewer Website: http://struise.noordhoek.com/eng/
Other Beers by Struise
- Struise AA Blonde
- Struise Aestatis
- Struise Black Albert
- Struise Black Damnation
- Struise Cuvee Delphine
- Struise Earthmonk
- Struise Elliot Brew
- Struise Hopverdomme
- Struise Ignis & Flamma
- Struise Imperialist Lager
- Struise Motuecha
- Struise O.N.E.
- Struise Obelis
- Struise Pannepeut
- Struise Pannepot
- Struise Pannepot Reserva
- Struise Rio Reserve
- Struise Riporter
- Struise Rosse
- Struise Roste Jeanne
- Struise SMONK
- Struise St Amatus
- Struise Struiselensis Wild Ale
- Struise Svea IPA
- Struise T.H.R.E.E.
- Struise Tjeeses
- Struise Tsjeeses Reserva
- Struise Weltfreude
- Struise Weltkrieg
- Struise Weltmerz Blond Sour Ale
- Struise Witte
- Struise X Single
- Struise XX Double
- Struise XXX Rye Triple
- Struise XXX Rye Triple Reserva
- Struise XXXX Quadruple
- Struise Yairo
- Struise Ypres
- Struise/Stillwater Outblack
- Struise/Three Floyds Shark Pants