Struise Rio Reserve
Struise • Belgium
From the brewer:
“This ale was brewed back in 2008, and in collaboration with brew master Rychei Sugawa San from Rio Brewing & Co. Our goal was to brew a Belgian dark golden blond quadrupel with an enormous potential of aromas and flavors, and added complexity due to oak barrel aging. Bourbon barels from Kentucky were chosen due to their very special soft roast quality and noble vanilla flavors. Year upon year, different quality controls were executed, and we finally decided to bottle condition this very special ale in May 2012. Another three moths of cold maturing was done at the brewery, so we could be sure about the absolute quality before releasing to our customers.”
A St. Emilion + Bourbon barrel aged version is available.
Style: Abt
ABV: 11.00%
Packaging: 330 ml bottles
Brewer Website: http://struise.noordhoek.com/eng/
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- Struise Rio Reserve
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