Struise Cuvee Delphine
Struise • Belgium
From the brewer:
“This beer takes its name from Delphine Boël, the unlawful daughter of King Albert II. She has struggled for acknowledgement in both her professional and private lives, so we decided she deserves a tribute fit for a princess. Cuvée Delphine is our Black Albert, carefully matured on Four Roses bourbon barrels for 12 months. Mrs. Boël has kindly allowed us to use her artwork for its label, which speaks for itself.
In a sea of sickly sweet and heavy bourbon aged stouts, we wanted Cuvée Delphine to shine brightly as a pinnacle of balance and restraint. Only with a base beer as potent as Black Albert could we manage to make the aging process shine. Notes of oak and slight vanilla pair extraordinarily well with the familiar coffee and brown sugar notes from the Black Albert. The subdued alcohol ties it all together in a lush, mellow experience. Cuvée Delphine will set you free.”
Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 13.00%
Brewer Website: http://struise.noordhoek.com/eng/
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