Struise Elliot Brew
Struise • Belgium
This 9.0% Double IPA began life as a collaboration between Mikkeller and Struise. The first brewing took place under joint stewardship of the two breweries at De Proef Brouwerij in Belgium, 2007. Since then the brewing of the Eliot Brew took place at the home of Struise, also in Belgium, of course. It’s a cross between a heavily hopped Mikkeller beer and a strong blonde – Struise style.
From the brewer:
“Although some would consider it somewhat ‘Belgian’ in its malt and yeast profile, we definitely crammed in all the juicy, fruity and fresh hops that any hophead could possibly wish for.
With Elliot, we tried to create a refreshing beer that’s dangerously drinkable while still maintaining that unxious mouthfeel that Struise is so renowned for. Being able to either quaffed or sipped, this is one of our most versatile multi-purpose beers.”
Style: Double IPA
ABV: 9.00%
Brewer Website: http://struise.noordhoek.com/eng/
Other Beers by Struise
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- Struise Aestatis
- Struise Black Albert
- Struise Black Damnation
- Struise Cuvee Delphine
- Struise Earthmonk
- Struise Elliot Brew
- Struise Hopverdomme
- Struise Ignis & Flamma
- Struise Imperialist Lager
- Struise Motuecha
- Struise O.N.E.
- Struise Obelis
- Struise Pannepeut
- Struise Pannepot
- Struise Pannepot Reserva
- Struise Rio Reserve
- Struise Riporter
- Struise Rosse
- Struise Roste Jeanne
- Struise SMONK
- Struise St Amatus
- Struise Struiselensis Wild Ale
- Struise Svea IPA
- Struise T.H.R.E.E.
- Struise Tjeeses
- Struise Tsjeeses Reserva
- Struise Weltfreude
- Struise Weltkrieg
- Struise Weltmerz Blond Sour Ale
- Struise Witte
- Struise X Single
- Struise XX Double
- Struise XXX Rye Triple
- Struise XXX Rye Triple Reserva
- Struise XXXX Quadruple
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- Struise Ypres
- Struise/Stillwater Outblack
- Struise/Three Floyds Shark Pants